
  • M.S. in Computational Science & Engineering , Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany ,2023
  • B.S. in Aerospace Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2020

Work Experience

  • Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter)

    • Technical University of Munich
    • Institute for Rotorcraft and Vertical Flight
  • Research Assistant (Hilfswissenschaftler)

    • Technical University of Munich
    • Institute for Rotorcraft and Vertical Flight
      • Development and verification of FSI code using Python and PreCICE library
  • CO-OP Internship

    • TUSAS Engine Industries (TEI)
      • Get trained on turbine technologies, specifically turbine cooling
      • Conjugate Heat Transfer Analysis
      • Investigation of mesh dependency of turbulence models
  • Intership

    • Turbotek Turbomakina Teknolojileri Ltd Sti
      • Conducted several wind tunnel test on building models
      • Production and instrumentation of test models for testing

Language Skills

  • Turkish
    • Mother Tongue
  • English
    • TOEFL IBT 93
  • German
    • A2 Level


  • Programming Languages
    • C++
    • Fortran
    • Python
  • Parallel Programming

    • MPI
    • OpenMP
    • Kokkos