1 minute read

I have never remember such a damn beautiful but easy to forget tool like tmux. Everytime I need a search it on Google and than just forgot about everything. I thought a small cheatsheet would be useful for me, but also you.

CTRL-B is default prefix to execute commands.

<prefix>+Command Explanation
c Creates a new session
d Detach from a session
[0-9] Move between sessions
, Rename a window
p Previous window
n Next window
w Shows all windows
& Kill current window
Split pane horizontally
% Split pane vertically
Arrows Move between panels
x Kill current panel
Spacebar Toogle between horizontal and vertical panels

Some small adjustments

If you like to use mouse like me or want to adjust panel height/width quickly following tmux config file would be helpful

set -g mouse on
bind -n C-k resize-pane -U 5
bind -n C-j resize-pane -D 5
bind -n C-h resize-pane -L 5
bind -n C-l resize-pane -R 5

After adding to tmux config only thing you need would be just sourcing the config file

tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf

Have a nice day